How To Boost Your Confidence After A Fall

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Falls happen, try not to beat yourself up or feel embarrassed. All riders fall off at some point in their career. Hopefully, you were not injured and getting back on the horse only requires mental strength instead of healing from a broken bone. Let’s find out how you can boost your confidence after a fall from your horse.

What Caused The Fall?

First things first, before you get back on, ask yourself “what caused the fall”?

  • Were you jumping a fence?

  • Did you lose your balance?

  • Did your horse spook?

  • Did your horse rear or buck?

Once you have identified the cause, you can take measures to avoid it in the future.

If you fell from losing your balance, practice some exercises that will help you feel more stable in the saddle. If your horse bucked, you may need to spend time with a trainer.

Work With A Coach

After a fall, it can be nerve racking to get back on. Ask a trusted trainer or coach to help you build your confidence again. They will answer your questions and help you correct any behaviors that may have triggered the fall. The coach or trainer can work with you to help you continue riding and avoid falling off again.

Go Slow

If you’re a little shaken after the fall, that’s okay. Take things slow. There is no need to rush back into the activity that may have incited the accident.

Start with the basics and gradually work your way up. Once you’ve identified the cause of the fall, all you need to do is simply get back in the saddle. You can just walk if you feel comfortable doing so. There is no need to go jumping fences or gallop through fields.

Wear Extra Safety Equipment

An excellent way to boost your confidence after a fall from your horse is to take your safety more seriously.

Invest in an equestrian airbag to help you build you confidence. Wearing a helmet is great, but what about your core? Airbags protect you from your neck to tailbone and everything on the inside as well.

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